We have oodles of flyers to help you with your 10/90 Challenge. This one is our Healthy Weight Flyer. Friends people are desperate for answers and we have them!!! All the items listed are for
a beautiful healthy body!!! Be sure to join me on FB LIVE November 18th @ 1:00 PM I will share everything I have been doing to release almost 100 pounds!!! So amazing!!!
The picture on the left has my contact info & wish list. DO NOT HAND THIS ONE OUT. You will need to click here or on the picture. You will get a JPEG (picture) of the flyer with no contact info.
You can upload the picture to Canva, Microsoft or any graphic creator service and add your contact information.
I suggest you scan the QR Code for my "wish list" it will be added to a with list for YOU. Click SAVE, it will be added to YOUR wish list. Then you can edit items, title & generate a link. You can create a QR Code and add that to your flyers too. They are created to fit 2 on a11 x 8 paper for handing out.
If it sounds like a lot & confuses you, no worries. We are going to go over details Thursday, November 16 @ 1:00 PM EST on our Week 2 FB Live: Flyers, Invites & Handouts - Brand Partner Chats
Find MORE flyers HERE