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Changed Forever

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

With everything that has been going on in our life I nearly forgot that February is our 10 year anniversary with Young Living! I remember when my stalker first started talking about essential oils. Oh my goodness, how I hated that smell! I am so grateful that she kept on stalking us! Our lives have been so radically & dramatically changed in the past 10 years.

God began preparing us for our wellness journey a few months before my stalker began talking to us about essential oils. Our church had a special speaker come in that discussed food & health consequences. He said we couldn’t be mad at God when we were making choices that could be the root cause of some of the diseases we were dealing with. It was the first

time I had heard that our food choices could be affecting our health. I know it’s crazy to think that some of us didn’t know that, but we were


Every single person in our household had health issues. Literally 8 people & each of us had our own unique issues! The worst part; 4 of those people were children! I remember praying that Father God would open my eyes & take the blinders off… I had no idea was that going to entail!!

David, Alicia, Cassandra & Breanna Hudson

Our children were 6 - 12 when we introduced this world of health & wellness with Young Living. We went from junk food junkies to green & crunchy overnight. I know it was hard on them when we started changing their diet & eliminating so many toxins! They felt like their world was turned upside down. It was hard & there were many times we failed miserably!

The changes that took place in our physical & emotional health during that transition were absolutely a miracle! I look back on the path we ultimately chose and thank God every day for the things we have learned on the way! Young Living & the lifestyle changes that came with a decision to get healthy touched my mom who had cancer, my dad who had heart disease, David who had MRSA, Alicia who had severe chemical sensitivity, Cassandra who had allergies & asthma, and Breanna who had a tumor on her pituitary & damage from vaccines.

The ongoing blessings from this lifestyle have included support & knowledge for my personal health struggles with multiple sclerosis and leukemia. Not to mention the amazing experience we just had, spending 5

Mr Incredible

days at the hospital with the love of my life, Brian! His heart was beating way too fast; he was having severe chest pains & shortness of breath. They checked all possible issues & the results came back that he had zero blockages and zero blood clots. His blood work was all perfectly perfect in EVERY way! His heart looked strong & healthy!

The drugs & recommendations they suggested did not mix well with the knowledge we have accumulated throughout the years. He had an electrical issue so we became electricians! We researched, prayed, stepped out in faith, and started doing some things that we know help with electrical “stuff”. We watched his rhythm come back to a healthy range overnight!!! That knowledge is so powerful!

Young Living teaches so much more than essential oils. We work with a company that hits every area of our lives; food, water, exercise, supplements, toxin free living, abundance, socialization, emotions … the list goes on & on!! Young Living is looking to the future & changing it for the better!

We have been so blessed to have an amazing team & have developed so many sweet friendships along the way!! Thank you to EVERYONE who is a part of our Young Living family; up line, downline, crossline, and corporate peeps!!!

I will forever be grateful to my loving stalker who never gave up on us!! Sherrie we love & appreciate you so very much! I cannot imagine where our family would be today if it were not for YOU!!! Our family was changed because you cared enough to step out of your comfort zone! You are truly one of the most caring people I have ever known. I am in awe of your tenacity in sharing Young Living with EVERYONE!

Thank you Gary & Mary Young for taking all of us on this fantastic Young Living journey! You could have found health & wellness and just kept the knowledge for yourself. I have no doubt it would have been easier! Instead, you made the choice to take Young Living Essential Oils into every home in the world!!!

Overwhelmed with appreciation for all of our blessings; physical, finacial & emotinal!! We are so excited to see what happens in the next 10 years!

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