November Deets: Black Friday and so much more! November is packed with amazing stuff. We need a list to keep it all straight!! Please know I don't expect you to do EVERYTHING!!! Jump in
when it works best for you!!
I will add more details as soon as I am allowed to share them!!
BONUS Vanilla Whimsy Roll-On is available on Loyalty Orders from November 1 – 15 only; grab it while you can!!
Black Friday Sale will be on November 21-23
Small Business Promo will be on November 27 - December 1.
Cyber Monday, December 2
I promise I will update you as soon as I know more!!!
We also have a BIG Event this month; both have a BONUS Business Builder the night before. Details here
Hormone Health Summit on November 7 - 9 in Michigan
Online Health Classes are on Mondays at 6:00 PM EST .
Online Brand Partner Chats at 11:00 AM EST -- We are gearing up for our annual 10/90 Incentive; FULL details will be shared on November 2 & 6th. I hope you join us!!
11/2 Forever Grateful #LifeChanged
11/6 Getting Started on YOUR Dreams!!
11/27 When Expectations Meet Reality
In our TEAM FB Group for November, we will be running our Annual Gratitude Challenge with some fun input from YL Corporate!! Watch for details on November 2!!
We will also be announcing the winners from our October Healthy Heart Challenge and our Spooky Swaps Series. Make sure you comment on each post in both series for a chance to win. There will be lots of fun and giveaways!! Be sure to join the group to stay updated with all the fun!
📆✔️ If you are in my group and need a little coaching or a TEAM meeting, book that here. November is almost completely full; I am already booking into December. Grab a time slot!
Coming together as a family for an event is a fantastic way to spark energy and excitement within your team and grow your community. Join us November 7 - 9 for our BIG Annual Fall
Event!!! We are hosting a Full Hormone Health Summit. You can find all the details and grab tickets here! We can't wait to see you in person!!
We have lots of great classes coming up IN PERSON & ONLINE. You are welcome to join in on all the fun! For all my long-distance friends & those sharing online, we have oodles of options for online education via FB LIVE on Shannon's personal FB Page. Yes, we will share the recordings when they work 🤩Please note sometimes we get off-topic or have random technical issues, so the recordings are not always available. If they are ok, they will be posted in 24 hours >>> Health Videos or Business Videos
You are welcome to everything! Here is our May calendar of events, along with the quick links, pins & passwords. What topics are you most interested in?? Would you like an in-person class in your area?? Please shoot us an email at
Make sure to grab your ticket for our in-person events:
Full Hormone Health Summit 2-Day YL Event November 8 & 9 from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm - Tickets HERE
Fall Impact Ohio Event November 16 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT - Tickets HERE