I am so shocked that I have not shared these before!!! I adore burgers, sliders & sloppy joes!! We had stopped eating them for years because we could not do bread. When I discovered Einkorn
flour, it was a game changer!!! No bloat. No gas. No crazy cravings for MORE. It has taken time to learn how to work with einkorn flour, but I am so glad we took the time!!! It has opened up such a wide varieties of foods!!!
This recipe can be doubled & you can freeze the extras until you need them. Just defrost them on a rack so they do not get soggy. I like to double and make sliders, hamburger buns and mini sub buns. LOVE a chicken salad sub or a roast beef sub!!
When I say easy peasy, I mean it!!! It takes 5 minutes for the yeast to bloom and another 10 minutes to mix all the ingredients together. Then you let it rise for an hour. Then you roll them out. Easy Peasy!!! It may sound like a lot but it is actually only 20 minutes of work. Trust me, they are worth it!!
Easy Peasy Einkorn Hamburger Buns, Sliders or Sub Buns
1 cup warm water
3 tbsp milk
2 tsp active dry yeast
2½ tbsp coconut sugar (yes, you must use some sort of sweetener to feed the yeast)
1 large egg beaten
½ tsp salt
3 tbsp softened butter
1 egg yolk for egg wash
4 – 4½ cups Young Living Einkorn Flour
Sesame Seeds
In a small boll, ass water, yeast, milk and sugar.
Let it sit for 5 minutes, it should get a little bubbly.
In your big mixer (or bowl) put 4 cups of einkorn flour and salt.
Cut in the butter.
Add the beaten egg to the yeast mixture then pour it in the flour mixture.
Start the mixer on a slow speed, using the dough hook, (or use those muscles and a bowl) gradually increasing the speed until all the flour and water are combined. Check consistency. If it is sticky, you can add a little bit more flour until the texture is less sticky.
Put the dough in a large bowl with a warm towel or bag over top in a warm place and let rise for 1 hour.
After the dough has risen, knead it only briefly on a floured board.
Separate the dough into 12 even balls and place on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Be sure to flatten them out a bit for the hamburger buns.
Brush with egg yolk.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds
Heat oven to 400 degrees, place rolls in and bake for 15-20 minutes. They are usually done baking when they are golden brown and have an internal temperature of 180–190°F (82–88°C)
Allow to cool completely before slicing, approximately 20 minutes.
I like to split mine and grill for a few minutes before assembling my burger.
For sliders, make 16 - 18 small rolls and flatten before baking. Decrease baking time by about 5 minutes.
If you are doing mini sub buns, roll them out longer so they are oval & bake the same,
Great with finely diced onions or flaked sea salt, use your favorites!!!
YES, you can freeze the extra. Just be sure to thaw on a rack so the bottom doesn’t get soggy.