We have been talking about a lot of emotions & I would like to continue the conversation by discussing WHY essential oils partner with forgiveness, gratitude and all the emotions!!!!
Lets chat about frequency & how it affects our health. FYI >>> ALL the following info is just for your edification. No medical claims of any kind. MHz IS a unit of frequency, equal to one million cycles per second. What does that mean?? Well, a healthy human has a MHz of 62 – 78. As sickness creeps in, our frequency (MHz) begins to drop! The name of the game is keeping your frequency HIGH!!!!
62-78 MHz Healthy Body
57-60 MHz Cold/Flu
42 MHz Cancer
25 MHz Death >>> YIKES!!!
HOW do we keep our frequency high???
It is the things we eat …
20-27 MHz Fresh Food
15-22 MHz Dried Food
15-22 MHz Dried Herb
0 MHz Canned Food
0 MHz Processed Food
The things we think & the habits we have ….
-12 MHz Negative Thoughts
+10 MHz Positive Thoughts
+15 MHz Praying
-8 MHz Smelling Coffee
-14 MHz Drinking Coffee
-17 MHz Holding a Cigarette
-23 MHz Smoking a Cigarette
Essential Oils have a MHz range: 52-580 MHz!! WOW!!!! That is amazing!!!
This is why it is so important to use your oils, all day EVERYDAY!!!