I have had so much fun preparing for our weekly Cooking with Vitality Classes! Seriously, I LOVE cooking & baking. I find it interesting how little info there is out there for cooking with essential oils. Some of the information is flat out wrong, cooking with hot oils or bitter essential oils or even using too many drops of essential oils can ruin a meal.
Do you already use Vitality Essential Oils?? Do you want to learn how?? Here is a handy

conversion chart you can use at home to know how many drops of Vitality Oils to fresh herbs or dry herb.
Tips to make it work best >>>
Add Vitality Essential Oils at the end of the cooking time to maintain all the health benefit in your oils.
Less is best. You can always add more, you can not take it out. Some Essential Oils are hot or have a bitter after taste. They will overpower many meals. Try using a toothpick, swirl it in your Vitality Essential Oils then into the dish. Mix well and taste to see if you need another swirl.
Add your Vitality Essential Oils to a healthy fat THEN add that to the rest of the meal. Example: If you are making a dressing using olive oil, add your Vitality Essential Oils to the olive oil then add the rest of the ingredients. This will allow the flavor to blend into the entire dish.
If you live in the area, join us for our weekly in person cooking with Vitality Series every Monday @ 6:00 PM >>> This Monday we are tasting Vitality BBQ Beef, Vitality Orange Ginger Chicken, Vitality Teriyaki Veggies & NingXia Coleslaw!!! So much tasty FUN!!! https://fb.me/e/25DOZKFZK Please click going so we know how much food to bring
Cooking with vitality >>> What is vitality?? It is the state of being strong and active with energy!! We are going to dig into the simple meal tricks you can make to bring energy, LIFE, strength & vitality into your life with food & essential oils. Tired of the same foods every day, join us & create some variety!!