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Quick Einkorn Pizza Dough
This is a staple in our house. I love pizza and MISSED it when we were trying to go no car or carnivore or any other diet we tried ,,, MORE

Easy Peasy Einkorn Hamburger Buns, Sliders or Sub Buns
When I say easy peasy, I mean it!!! It takes 5 minutes for the yeast to bloom and another 10 minutes to mix all the ingredients together.

NingXia Red Protein Smoothie Bowl
Are you a smoothie fan??? We have been huge fans of smoothie bowls this past year because they are quick, filling and ... MORE

Sweet & Spicy Bean & Einkorn Bake
This is one of my comfort meals that just warms me up in the winter. It makes about 7 - 8 cups so feel free to double!! Personally, I...

Vitality Infused Chocolate Nut Clusters - Keto Friendly
YOU know I have to add my oils!!! We have used so many Vitality Essential Oils in our chocolates through the years. ... MORE

Orange Vitality Infused Einkorn Chocolate Chip Cookies
I love that I can have chocolate chip cookies again!!! To be fair, it is not something I have every week, but it is nice to know ... MORE

Cel-lite Citrus Skin Firming Rub
This beautiful blend is so comforting and it is one of the things that I know has helped me firm my loose skin & remove ... MORE

Vanilla Spice Protein Pumpkin Pancakes
I started off making "normal, protein pancakes" but the chill in the air, demanded I add pumpkin, Cinnamon Vitality EO & Nutmeg Vitality EO,

Fresh Herbs, Dried Herbs to Vitality Essential Oils Chart
Seriously, I LOVE cooking & baking. I find it interesting how little info there is out there for cooking with essential oils... MORE

Autumn NingXia Red Punch
Oh my, we sampled the NEW Autumn NingXia Red Punch we made for our Executives & Above Dinner with Corporate, wow!!! It is so stinking...

Citrus Infused Pecan Chicken
It is summer & this Citrus Infused Pecan Chicken is my favorite for picnics & quick lunch. I holds up great & still has a lovely cr ... MORE

Cilantro Mustard Dip, Marinade or Dressing
This is so versatile. It only takes a few minutes to whip up & you can use it as a marinade, dip or add a little water (cream) and thin ...

Einkorn Vanilla Spice Pumpkin Bread
Here is my yummy pumpkin protein bread!!! This can be made as muffins & frozen for a quick health meal on the go or make several batches...

Pumpkin Spiced Vitality Slique Tea
I know, it is too early for pumpkin spice anything!!! I was out to lunch with one of my best friends the other day & she made that perfectly

Cinnamon Vitality Macadamia Fruit Dip
Can I just tell you about one of my favorite treats? I adore this yummy recipie! I use it as a fruit dip, as a dip for celery, or even as a

Mason Jar Salads & 10 Minute Dressings
This class is a part of our NEW Cooking with Oils Series. I love food & I really enjoy cooking so I decided it would be fun to turn that...

Quick Avocado or Olive Oil Mayonnaise
I love mayo. I know I should tell you It is full of healthy fats for my brain, skin & joints and it is, but the truth is, I love it for...

Shannon's Mega Red Drink
Eveyone keeps asking for the my daily Red Drink Recipe. Just for clarity, my drink was inspired by Dr. Peter Minke a few years ago. Please

Master Cleanse
Click on the picture above or HERE to download the recipe!! #Mastercleanse

Mean Green Juice
Click on the picture above or HERE to download the recipe!! We got this recipe from Joe Cross, he made a great movie called Fat, Sick,...

Celery Juice
Click on the picture above or HERE to download the recipe!! Celery Juice Recipe (2 servings) Ingredients: 1 large bunch celery....

Feel the Burn Slique Tea
This is an old post that I updated & thought you guys might enjoy!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have read all the info on drinking fats in your...

Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Dip
This is a family favorite for everyone except my vegetarian daughter!! I do make her a version with white beans but to be honest it...

Avocado Pudding
Indulge yourself in a low carbohydrate, high fat, delicious sweet treat that just happens to be packed with tons of protein and...

Rolling To Diamond
Relax, get focused, and start aiming for your Highest Potential with this essential oil roll-on blend, Rolling to Diamond. With En-R-Gee,...

Scrooge Away
Chase away those holiday grumps, blues, and humbugs. During this time of year, things can get stressful, and you might turn into a...

Guilt Free Foods
Click on one of the recipes below to download the ingredient and direction list. You can also check out one of the links to find even...

Food & Fun Recipes
Click here or on the image to download the Food, Family & Fun recipe handout! It's 100% FREE to download and share with your team!
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